Friday, August 6, 2010

What should i treat my rabbit to?

My rabbit has been really good lately and i am going to the store what should i get him that is good and healthy for him?What should i treat my rabbit to?
Mine always enjoy Kale the most of all their healthy options. Many rabbits also love herbs, since they have a strong taste and smell.What should i treat my rabbit to?
Apples, cherries, or grapes. Fruit is an excellent treat for good rabbits. However, never give your bunny a lot of fruit at one time, as it can be bad for their digestive system. The best thing to do is try out different fruits and see which ones he likes the best. Those fruits will be the best treats for him.
Apples and Carrots are both very good and healthy treats for rabbits although the man I bought my rabbit told me not to feed it lettuce and so did a friend of mine, so I wouldn't get him lettuce.
Carrots or lettuce. or they even make special treats for rabbits.
Carrots, Celery, apples(u can give them the skin), Rabbit treats
A lover.

AKA sexy lady bunny.
Anything he wants
carrot cake

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