Tuesday, August 24, 2010

A dead rabbit was found on my uncle's grave and my mom is freaking does it mean anything? anything bad?

My mom and aunt are very upset I feel as if it is a coincidence and means nothing but I told them I would research it for them and have been unable to find anything. Is there any negative connotations to a dead rabbit on a grave is there some kind of symbolism or any reason someone might do it on purpose thank you for your help.A dead rabbit was found on my uncle's grave and my mom is freaking does it mean anything? anything bad?
No. It simply means that a rabbit ended up breathing his last on the patch of earth that covers your uncle's remains. It is simply chance. We live in a world of finite space - Earth is only so large, and eventually something occurs on every single square inch of its surface that is totally normal and natural - even the death of a rabbit.

It is human superstition and ego that insists on ascribing supernatural connotations to every single event in our lives like some barrage of daily omens. I see questions like this every day: ';A bird flew in my house - does it mean anything?';

Yeah. It means you left your window open.

';There was a hobo staring at me whenever I went outside today - does it mean anything?';

Yeah. He could be sizing you up in order to decide whether to rob your house, or maybe you just look like someone he knows and he's just curious.

Normal everyday occurrences happen without having any meaning at all beyond what we ascribe to them from our own imaginations.A dead rabbit was found on my uncle's grave and my mom is freaking does it mean anything? anything bad?
Nope. the rabbit couldn't get its own ideas so it was like ';Hmmmm I'll do this too'; Also it was probably old and rabbits die randomly all the time (personal experience)
rabbits usually refer to fertility or babies. is someone you know pregnant? tell them to be careful.

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